个人简历 Resume
1999 - Present, Asistant Professor, Associate Professor, Professor, Tsinghua Univeristy
1992-1997, M. S. and Ph.D. candidate, Department of Chemistry, Nankai University, Tianjin
1990-1992, Asistang Engineer, Lianyuangang Zymin Plant
1990-1992, B.S. candidate, Department of Chemistry, Nankai University, Tianjin
研究领域与方向 Research Fields
Biochip Technology & Its Application
Cell related biochips and portable devices for detection of biological and chemical parameters related with human diseases
代表性论文 Selected Publications
1. Xiang, G., Pan, L., Huang, L., Yu, Z., Song, X., Cheng, J., Xing, W. and Zhou, Y. (2006). Microelectrode array-based system for neuropharmacological applications with cortical neurons cultured in vitro. Biosen Bioelectron, 22(11): 2478-2484. ( SCI IF:5.429)
2. Xiang, G., Pan, L., Xing, W., Zhang, L., Huang, L., Yu, J., Zhang, R., Wu, J., Cheng, J. and Zhou, Y. (2007). Indentification of activity-dependent gene expression profiles reveals specific subsets of genes induced by different routes of Ca2+ Entry in cultured rat cortical neurons. Journal of Cellular Physiology, 212:126–136.(SCI IF :4.586)
3. Liang, D., Peng, Q., Mitchelson, K., Guan, X., Xing, W. and Cheng, J. (2007). A simple and efficient approach for calculating permeability coefficients and HETP for rectangular columns, Lab on a Chip, 7 (8):1062-73 17653350. (SCI IF:6.306)
4. Pan, L., Xiang, G., Huang, L., Yu, Z., Cheng, J., Xing, W., and Zhou, Y. (2008) “Automatic positioning and sensing microelectrode array (APSMEA) for multi-site electrophysiological recordings” Journal of Neuroscience Methods, 170: 123-129. (SCI IF:2.295)
5. Zhang, G., Li, C., Lu, Y., Hu, H., Xiang, G., Liang, Z., Liao, P., Dai, P., Xing, W. and Cheng, J. (2011) “Validation of a mobile phone assisted microarray decoding platform for signal enhanced mutation detection” Biosensors and Bioelectronics, 26 (12): 4708-4714. (SCI IF :5.429)
6. Xu, Y., Yao, H., Wang, L., Xing, W. and Cheng, J. (2011) “The construction of an individually addressable cell array for selective patterning and electroporation” Lab on a Chip, 11 (14): 2417–2423. (SCIIF :6.306)
7. Fan, Y., Xu, F., Huang, G., Lu, J. and Xing, W. (2012) “Single neuron capture and axonal development in three-dimensional microscale hydrogels” Lab on a Chip, 12(22): 4724-4731.(SCI IF:6.34)
wlxing at tsinghua.edu.cn