
黄国亮 教授

2019-10-11    点击:

个人简历 Resume

2004- 至今 清华大学 医学院生物医学工程系

1999-2003 清华大学 生物系

1995-1999 清华大学 精仪系

1991-1995 清华大学 精仪系 博士

1984-1991 北京师范大学 物理系 本科和硕士

2004-Present Associate Professor, Department of Biomedical Engineering, School of medicine, Tsinghua University (And was promoted professor in 2012.)

1999-2003 Associate Professor, Department of Biological Science and Biotechnology, Tsinghua University.

1995-1998 Engineer, Department of Precision Instruments and Mechanology, Tsinghua University. (And was appointed into an associate professor in 1999.)

1991-1995 Ph.D.Optical Instrument, Tsinghua University, CHINA

1988-1991 M.S.Optical Information Processing, Beijing Normal University, CHINA 1984-1988 B.S.Physics, Beijing Normal University, CHINA

研究领域与方向 Research Fields

从事生物医学检测技术创新研究与新型科学仪器、医疗仪器的产品开发工作,包括生物芯片检测 技术、多模态分子影像检测技术、痕量样品光纤传感技术、高光谱白光干涉超分辨成像技术、眼 象健康无影成像技术、微流控芯片核酸分析分子诊断技术等。其中微流控芯片核酸多指标分子诊 断技术与系统,是健康中国低成本精准医疗的平台技术,获得国家创新医疗器械产品批准、Ⅲ医 疗器械产品注册证和 CE 认证,教育部专家技术鉴定为国际领先水平,在生命科学与医学科研、临 床医疗、食品安全、卫生防疫、家庭健康监护等具有广泛应用前景。

His current researches focus on molecular diagnostics in micro-nano fluidic chips and instruments development, small animal in-vivo imaging, biosensor in label free, single cell analysis and imaging in ultra-resolution, etc.

One of his current research focuses on molecular diagnostics in micro-nano fluidic chips and instruments development, which is a platform technology for Healthy China low cost precision

medical treatment,and has obtained the national Innovative Medical Device Products approved,

CFDA Class III Medical Device Product Registration Certificate and CE Certificate for his developed devices. This work has a wide range of application prospects in life science and medicine, clinical care, food security, sanitary and antiepidemic, home health care, etc.

代表性论文 Selected Publications

1. Junqi Zhang, Rongxin Fu, Liping Xie, Qi Li, Wenhan Zhou, Ruliang Wang, Jiancheng Ye, Dong Wang, Ning Xue, Xue Lin, Ying Lu and Guoliang Huang*,A smart device for label-free and real-time detection of gene point mutations based on the high dark phase contrast of vapor condensation,Lab on a Chip, 15, 3891–3896, 2015.(SCI IF 6.115)

2. Guoliang Huang*, Qin Huang, Li Ma, Xianbo Luo, Biao Pang, Zhixin Zhang, Ruliang Wang, Junqi Zhang, Qi Li, Rongxin Fu, and Jiancheng Ye,fM to aM nucleic acid amplification for molecular diagnostics in a non-stick-coated metal microfluidic bioreactor,Scientific Reports, V4(7344):p1-9, 2014.(SCI, IF 5.578)

3. Tongzhou Wang, Qiang Li, Xin Li, Songmin Zhao, Ying Lu and Guoliang Huang*,Use of hyperspectral imaging for label-free decoding and detection of biomarkers,OPTICS LETTERS,V38, p1524-26, 2013.(SCI, IF 3.4)

4. Xin Li, Qiang Li, Hong Zhou, Hongxia Hao, Tongzhou Wang, Songmin Zhao, Ying Lu, Guoliang Huang*,Rapid, On-Site Identification of Explosives in Nanoliter Droplets Using a UV Reflected Fiber Optic Sensor,Analytica Chimica Acta.V751, p112– 118, 2012.(SCI, IF 4.5)

5. Chao Han, Qiufang Zhang, Rui Ma, Lan Xie, Tian Qiu, Lei Wang, Keith Mitchelson,Jundong Wang, Guoliang Huang*,Jie Qiao* and Jing Cheng,Integration of single oocyte trapping, in vitro fertilization and embryo culture in a microwell-structured microfluidic device, Lab on a Chip, V20, p2848-2854, 2010.(SCI, IF 6.3)




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