
杜亚楠 副教授

2019-10-11    点击:

个人简历 Resume

2013- 至今 感染性疾病诊治协同创新中心 研究员

2010- 至今 清华大学医学院生物医学工程系 研究员

2007-2010 麻省理工学院和哈佛大学 博士后

2003-2007 新加坡国立大学生物工程 博士

1998-2002 清华大学化学工程 学士

2010-Present Principal Investigator, School of Medicine, Tsinghua University

2012-Present Principal Investigator, Collaborative Innovation center for Diagnosis and Treatment of Infectious Disease

2007-2010 Postdoctoral Fellow, Harvard-MIT Division of Health Science and Technology, MIT; Harvard Medical School, Harvard University, USA

2003-2007 Ph.D. in Bioengineering, National University of Singapore, Singapore

1998-2002 B.Eng. in Chemical Engineering, Tsinghua University, Beijing, China

研究领域与方向 Research Fields

整合生物材料、细胞 / 组织工程和微纳技术等领域形成了微组织工程这一独具特色的交叉研究方向。 研究内容为应用微纳加工技术结合生物材料和细胞生物学构建精确可控、具有仿生结构和功能的 3D 微尺度组织为细胞 / 组织工程 , 再生医学以及药物筛选和病理研究提供新型工程手段和解决方法。3D 微组织既可作为仿生体外模型用于提高药物筛选和评估的准确性和成功率,也可通过体内注射实现 3D 微组织治疗 , 提高对于坏损组织的修复和再生效率。3D 微组织有望升级和替代现有 2D 细胞体外 培养模型和常规细胞治疗手段,为新药研发和再生医学提供新型技术和解决方案。

We are working in the field of ‘Microtissue Engineering’, a unique and new research area, which integrates conventional tissue engineering, biomaterials and microfabrication technologies to engineer microscale 3D tissues or microenvironments recapitulating the physiological and architectural features of native tissue niche with well-defined precision and bio-mimicry. Microtissue Engineering provides innovative and effective tools and solutions for cell/tissue engineering, regenerative medicine, drug screening and pathology study. Microtissue Engineering can be applied to 1) as in vitro physiological/pathological models with precisely regulated cell functions for application in high-throughput phenotypic drug screening or for mechanistic pathology study; and 2) as injectable microtissues to enhance the efficacy of cell therapy in regenerative medicine.

代表性论文 Selected Publications

1. Wang J, Chen F, Liu L, Qi C, Wang B, Yan X, Huang C, Hou W, Zhang M, Chen Y*, Du Y* Engineering EMT using 3D Micro-scaffold to Promote Hepatic Functions for Drug Hepatotoxicity Evaluation’ Biomaterials 10.1016/j.biomaterials.2016.03.001 (2016)

2. Zeng Y, Chen C, Liu W, Fu Q, Han Z, Li Y, Feng S, Li X, Qi C, Wu J, Wang D, Corbett C, Chan BP, Ruan D*, Du Y*. Injectable Microcryogels Reinforced Alginate Encapsulation of Mesenchymal Stromal Cells for Leak-proof Delivery and Alleviation of Canine Disc Degeneration’ Biomaterials 59:53-65 (2015)

3. Li Y, Liu W, Liu F, Zeng Y, Zuo S, Feng S, Qi C, Wang B, Khademhosseini A, Bai J, Du Y* ‘Primed 3D Injectable Micro-Niches Enabling Low-dosage Cell Therapy for Critical Limb Ischemia’ PNAS 111(37):13511-6 (2014)

4. Li X, Zhang X, Wang J, Zhao S, Liu G, Du Y*, ‘Micro-scaffold Array Chip for upgrading cell- based High-throughput drug testing to 3D using benchtop equipment’, (cover) Lab on Chip 14(3):471-81 (2014) (Hot article in Lab on Chip and reported by ChemistryWorld in RSC)

5. Y. Du, E. Lo, S. Ali, A. Khademhosseini, ‘Directed assembly of cell-laden microgels for fabrication of 3D tissue engineering constructs’ Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 105(28): 9522-7 (2008) (Reported by Nature, Technology Review, Focus, Scientific America and as spotlight at MIT website homepage)


